Monday, November 22, 2010

意外 Accident

Ta Nao (Louis Koo) is a professional murderer and whenever he wants to kill someone he will do it without being traced and ensure the death looks like real, coming from unlucky accident. Since he killed quite a number of human lives, there is a burden on him, and he constantly dreams of himself getting killed. Therefore, he is extremely careful while performing his job.

One day there is an unlucky accident which caused the death one of his own teammates and Ta Nao suspects insurance agent Chen Fang Zhou (Richie Ren) as the mastermind behind all of this. To save his own life, he decides to kill Chen before he makes his next move. Before killing him he approaches him and trying to become his friend first.

Surprisingly Chen can get along with Ta Nao just like good friends within a short period of time! Now Ta Nao begins to suspect that his own teammates might have leaked his personal information to Chen. To his teammates Chen is just an ordinary person, but to Ta Nao he is not. He later discovers Chen had written a book relating to death, and two of his readers committed suicide after learning his suicide methods.

Later his attempt to kill Chen has been unsuccessful. Is it because he has done too many killings in the past that God does not allow him to commit more murders? Or is it caused by the real human error and not ‘staged’ by someone else?

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